Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bloggity doggity

My first entry! Y'all had better be as excited as I am to begin this journey into bloggism! (you'll notice that I love to make up my own words, because it's cool) I guess every first blog should be an introduction of character. A little mind "snack", if you will. Let's begin:

Likes (in no particular order):




Sonic Commercials ("This is a snack attack and this IS happening")




Keylime pie and Boston Cream pie yogurt


Smells (good ones of course... cookies, rain, shampoo, pumpkin pie, new cars, etc.)

Comfy Pj's

People watching

Non Fiction books (especially The Secret and other quantum physics related works)

Art in any form

Wakeboarding, though I'm still learning


Basketball (watching)


Any board games


There is so much more I could add but you'll see as time goes on that I'm an ever-changing little mama that loves just about anything and everything, except applesauce. So please stay tuned for another look into the great mind of ME.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Elyse welcome to the world of blogger. lol. I just started mine too :)